About Us

Elmwood-Belmar Park Community Association is represented by residents of the community who volunteer their time, talent and treasure. We are focused on maintaining a safe environment for our families and neighbors. With active community participation we are able to address quality of life issues including enhancing property values, communicate continually with our elected government officials, and encourage other EBPCA residents to join our efforts.

Early history shows that in 1948 the Elmood Improvement Association was formed and headed by Robert Myers. Developers of the area along Meadow Road donated approximately 11 acres to the home owners in the association. Mr. Myers left the organization in 2003 and the association's non profit status was forfeited. In 1998 the Elmwood-Belmar Park Community Association was formed and organized by Ginny Student and dissolved in 2010.

In 2014 a group of residents met to discuss how to reactivate the community association. Subsequent meetings included the Baltimore County Police focused on forming a Citizens on Patrol, electing officers and establishing a reqular meeting place, date and time.

To keep in touch with the community, EBPCA has set up a page with Facebook and a website with Nextdoor. Residents that are included within the established Nextdoor boundaries are encouraged to join, follow and share. Each residents address is verfied prior to being admitted to the group. The Facebook page is open to everyone. Both programs provide a great way to stay in touch with our community.